Raising awareness of human trafficking in Marin County.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
If you, or someone you know needs help call 1-888-372-8888 OR Text 233733.
Human Trafficking Institute. 2023 Annual Report
Human Trafficking Institute. 2023 Annual Report
This comprehensive report features engaging project updates, uplifting stories from those actively involved in the fight against trafficking, and crucial impact data that highlights our collective achievements.
Supporting victims and fighting to end trafficking.
The Marin County Coalition to End Human Trafficking is a public/private partnership of non-profit organizations, law enforcement, civic groups, county agencies, and members of the public whose aim is to develop a regional and collaborative approach to end all forms of human trafficking. Victims of human trafficking can be women, men, children, people of any race and socio-economic background, as well as US citizens or foreigners.
About human trafficking in Marin County
The Bay Area is one of the largest hubs for human trafficking in the U.S. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery – a multi-billion-dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world. And no matter where you live, chances are it's happening nearby. Marin County is a part of the Bay Area human trafficking hubs.
Volunteer and advocate against human trafficking.
Get into action with the Marin County Coalition Against Human Trafficking (MCCAHT). You can start by putting the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number 1 (888) 373-7888 in your phone, and the phone of your children. Contact us to learn more about how you can become a member of the Coalition.
Upcoming Events.
Learn more about upcoming Coalition meetings and other community events on human trafficking.
Check out what the Coalition has been up to.
The coalition is organized of several committees, led by one steering committee. Our mission is to raise awareness, work together to identify resources that support survivors of human trafficking and help to hold offenders accountable. Coalition and committee updates are shared throughout the year on our site.
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t Ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you.”
— Thomas Jefferson