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About Us
The Marin County Coalition to End Human Trafficking is a public/private partnership of non-profit organizations, law enforcement, civic groups, county agencies and members of the public whose aim is to develop a regional and collaborative approach to end all forms of human trafficking. We identify resources that support survivors of human trafficking and help to hold offenders accountable.
Our History
In 2014, Marin County Human Trafficking Task Force was formed by Emily Simms, the Dominican Sisters of Dominican University, Community Violence Solutions, Soroptimist International of Marin County, the Marin County Human Rights Commission, Marin Women’s Commission and county agencies including the Marin District Attorney’s Office, Probation, and Health and Human Services. This collaboration developed over the rising concern about human trafficking in Marin County and the lack of information that agencies had to deal with it.
The purpose of the Task Force was to raise awareness about human trafficking issues in Marin County. The task force developed protocol for different agencies and over 125 law enforcement employees were trained.
The Coalition Today
In 2016, the Task Force reorganized and was expanded and renamed the Marin County Coalition to End Human Trafficking (MCCEHT). The Coalition is organized into six committees including a steering committee that oversees general operations. To learn more, please see own Committee Updates page.
The Coalition is comprised of of various organizations in our community. Below is a list of our member organizations.
Non-Profit and Civic Organizations
Latino Council
Marin Organizing Committee
Center for Domestic Peace
Community Violence Solutions
Soroptimist International of Novato
Marin County League of Women Voters
Marin County Organizations
Department of Health and Human Services
Marin District Attorney’s Office
Probation Office
Marin Women’s Commission
Law Enforcement Agencies
Central Marin Police Department
Fairfax Police Department
Marin County Sheriff’s Office
Mill Valley Police Department
Novato Police Department
San Rafael Police Department
Sausalito Police Department
Tiburon Police Department
Individual Community Members
Laurel Botsford
Marlene Capra
Betty Kray