Steering Committee

This committee is responsible for the general operation of the Coalition, this includes but is not limited to program development and fundraising. As an operational arm of the Coalition, the members of this committee comprise of the Coalition Co-Chairs as well as its officers, the chairs of the other five committees and two members at large.



Cecilia Zamora, Executive Director, Latino Council

Lori Frugoli, Marin County District Attorney

Meeting Frequency

Monthly: This committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, or as needed.

Our Current Priority

  • Continue to support hte mission of the Coaition by overseeing the general operations of the Coalition

  • Organize and plan Quarterly General meetings that engage our membership

  • Oversee the fiscal health of the Coalition, and develop a fundraising plan for the future

Ways you can get involved

  • Share relevant education about human trafficking with the committee

  • Report suspected human trafficking concerns or incidents to local law enforcement

  • Help us to connect with those trafficked by letting them know its okay to ask for help from the committee

Join Us

Contact us through our form and let us know you are interested in the Steering committee.